Thursday, January 12, 2012

Five Sentence Fiction - Your Choice

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.

This week: Your Choice

Last week was an amazingfor Five Sentence Fiction! More people linked up than ever before. Thank you so much for participating and writing!!! So, in celebration of you amazing writers, I want this week to be your choice. Check out the Five Sentence Fiction tab and pick whichever word from a past week that inspires you or rework one you've already done! Have fun :)


I look forward to reading everyone's five sentences. Post your sentences on your blog, and link up your post below.
Check out past Five Sentece Fiction posts here.
Also, be sure to visit everyone's FSF post



  1. Okay, I added my link but it won't be live until Tuesday...and I'll be traveling so got it done now. Sorry for the publish delay...

  2. I've been trying to comment on some of the posts but am having trouble getting them accepted. I'm on Wordpress, but it won't recognize me. So will keep trying!

  3. Mine is now live, sorry for the wait. Won't add to list until I've got it uploaded next time. LOL!

  4. Oops, forgot to change my log in...story is now live.

    1. Donna, I am still unable to link to your blog from here :(

  5. Not sure how to join. Tips?

    1. Sure, if you have a blog, just write your Five Sentence Fiction in a post and add the link here so everyone can check it out. If you don't blog, feel free to leave your sentences in a comment so that we can check them out :)

  6. Daddy's smiles make me warm inside.
    Mommy's hugs make me feel safe and loved
    My Mommy and Daddy are the bestest in the whole world.
    But they died in the car yesterday.
    Who will keep me warm and happy now?

  7. That is short and simple, but still so tragic.
