Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wicked - #5SentenceFiction

With the determination of a spit ball flying from little Tommy Tucker’s grimy neon yellow straw, Lucy crossed the busy playground to where they sat, crossed legged, in a tight circle. Small hands moved quickly through the air as the evil concocted stories flew from their rose lips like granite truths. Lucy felt her cheeks flame as she closed in on the group and heard her name, spoken like a curse. She was an outcast, the new girl, and she was fine with that, but this time they had gone too far by making her brother cry. When she stopped walking they all turned to her, eyebrows cocked on smug faces that fell the moment Lucy revealed her wicked secret power.

Link up your own WICKED story here.
Check out past Five Sentence Fiction posts here.



  1. I love this one! Nobody deserves their comeuppance more than playground bullies!! :)

  2. Love it, and do tell...nothing better than a secret power!

  3. Lillie - a unique perspective on this story and so so well told! In particular loved the first and last lines. Really well done!!

  4. I love this! Reminds me of my childhood playground memories.....except I didn't have a special power. :( Lovely writing as always!!

  5. Really wanted to know more about this secret power; an accurately observed portrait of playground nastiness. Very good.

  6. Thank you all for the comments :) Bullies really bug me. But, super secret powers are my favorite!!!
