Monday, May 21, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award

I’ve been tagged for the 'Kreativ Blogger Award. Yay!! Big thanks to Matt Sloan and Lisa Shambrook for the honor.

The Rules:
1. Thank & link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the ten questions.
3. Share ten random facts/thoughts about yourself.
4. Nominate seven worthy blogs for the Kreative Blogger Award.

The Questions:
1. What's your favorite song?
Without question, my favorite song is this one:

2. What's your favorite dessert?
Chocolate anything and everything.

3. What ticks you off?
Bullies!!! Anyone who needs to cut someone down to empower themselves drives me crazy.

4. What do you do when you're upset?
I like to run or sit at the beach.

5. Which is your favorite pet?
Until five years ago I’d never had a pet, aside from a goldfish or two. When I met Duke I fell in love immediately J Dogs rule!!!

6. Which do you prefer: black or white?
I have way too many black clothes, but decorating wise, I love white.

7. What is your biggest fear?
Losing my independence to Multiple Sclerosis. My poor family would have to put up with me and I can be demanding, lol.

8. What is your attitude mostly?
Optimistic. At least that’s the goal. I believe everything happens for a reason and things always work out!

9. What is perfection?
The first word that came to mind when I read the question was happiness.

10. What is your guilty pleasure?
Notebooks. It’s so much fun to find a new, fancy notebook. I have to buy it even though I have twenty other empty ones at home.

The Random Facts:
1. My favorite color is blue…I think everything should be blue.
2. I didn’t like a single vegetable until two years ago. Now I’m up to broccoli, carrots, green beans, and asparagus. Cannot wait to add more!!!
3. My brother, Jacob, was born on my 7th birthday. Best present ever J
4. One of my favorite sounds is my dog’s snoring.
5. Being a sister is one of the best parts of my life. Little brothers are smelly and loud, but I’d be lost without them.
6. I always feel just a little bit different than everyone else and I’m finally starting to think that’s okay.
7.The pictures of rock star libraries and writing oasis’s that Lady Bullish posts always make my day.
8. Less than two months after getting my first car I totaled it.
9. I simply cannot pass up watching Pretty in Pink or Teenage Witch each and every time they’re on TV.
10. Getting mail, aside from bills, is one of my favorite things.

The Nominations:
Just a few of the very best!

Stephanie at Madness of the Heart.
Aurora Lee at Aurora's Creative Corner.
Kathryn at WaterPhoenix Poetry.
Steven Watson at Stuck in my Own Mind.
Fiesty Cat at Fiesty Cat.
Honoré Dupuis at Of Glass and Paper.
Sarah at Re-Ravelling.


  1. Loved your eighth fact...means I'm not the only one! I wrote mine off the week I passed my test and bought my own car. I'm a much better driver
    It must also be a writer's prerogative to have many, many empty but pretty notebooks at home!

    1. Oh me too. A better driver now :) And yes, notebooks are a passion only a writer can understand!!

  2. Great post! And from what I've noticed you are a fabulous older sister.

  3. Hi Lillie,

    You are a sweetheart.

    And congratulations! Your blog makes me think about writing, and reminds me how joyful a process it can be.

    I have to agree with you on chocolate desserts, but we may differ on the pet question. I'm partial to cats only because I live with one.

    1. Thank you!! I love cats, too :) They are interesting creatures with each their own fascinating personality.

  4. Puppy luv is definitely the best kinda love!! And thank you for helping me further justify my bookshelf pinboard!! Love learning more about you!! Hugs to you!!

    1. I'm here to help :) Thank you for posting all of that awesome!!! Hugs!

  5. Wow! Im not the only one to be "teaching" myself to love veggies! You rock, I can't conquer asparagus yet. :D

  6. Congrats on your award! You had me at "anything chocolate". YUM-O!

  7. Congratulations on the award, well done. Good to find out we both like dock of the bay-boss song.

  8. Congrats! Yea! Confetti falling and all good things!

  9. Eat your vegetables! I love veggies, it's fruit I have a problem with.
    Unlike you, everyone always gives me fancy journals for gifts. I have so many of them and usually I've written on one page and that's it. I prefer receipts, napkins or on the back of bills:) (not the dollar ones)

    1. OH I know, I know :) I'm really trying. Fruit is something I, thankfully, don't have a problem with. It's yummy!!

  10. Thanks Lillie for the nomination! I love your answers! I am glad you are enjoying more veggies! I love veggies! Fruit is a different subject for me. Not a fan of fruit. Lol.

    1. You're welcome! I plan to, hopefully, one day love veggies too ;)

  11. Congrats on the blog award! I love your guilty pleasure, it's mine too. Can never ever have enough notebooks. ;)
